I have been with Buddyfight from the very beginning. I love the fast-paced, skill-based gameplay. However, after about 9 months of playing, the game began to get a bit stale for me. I kept fighting the same old decks with the same old decks and matches began to feel......samey. And then I participated in my first ever pre-release (Darkness Fable) and it was amazing! The rush of fighting normally impossible decks! The luck of pulling the one card that ties your deck together! Booster drafts became the most interesting and fun part of Buddyfight for me.
The best part? I'm actually really good at them. I have not lost a single match in a pre release since I began doing them (Blaise - your luck, gimme). With Blaise's permission I would like to share some info to help others become better at pre releases drafts.
Rather than giving general tips on how to succeed in booster drafts (because Blaise already did that), I figured I would list a few of the key cards that can really improve the chances of winning in a booster draft for each new release. This list will not take into consideration the value of cards or how they will fit into a complete deck. Rather, it will focus purely on cards that will be good in each booster draft.

Shadow vs. Hero
Holy crap.
When I first saw leaks for this set my reaction was "I don't use Hero World. Why should I care?" Little did I know, this set would bring forth a bunch of unique cards, a TON of variety to the Hero World playstyle, and the cutest little size zero ever. Hero World is definitely a world to be afraid of.
Lets go over some of the basics. Hero world monsters have very high stats (only 1000 less than Danger World) meaning that in Hero vs. Hero mirror matches there are going to be some big numbers flying around. Thus, monsters with high card quality (high defense and Soulguard) tend to do very well.
Now let's break the set down:
4 RRR (1 Ride, 1 Transform)
8 RR (2 Ride, 2 Spells, 1 Item)
21 R ( 1 Ride, 7 Spells, 2 Impacts)
30 U (1 Transform, 8 Spells, 1 Item, 2 Impacts)
5 SR (All flags)
1 BR (surprise surprise...it's Drum)
That's a total of no less than 8 equippable cards (with a few cards that are still unknown) and in a set of only 68 cards that's a pretty high number (about 12% of the set). This set only has 1 nullify in it (for 4000 power or less attacks) which is good...but not good enough to rely on. Meaning most hits to the fighter are going to go through.
Now let's go over the top 5 cards in the set for Booster Drafts!
#5 Cyber Police, Heroic Blader
Size 1, 3000/2/2000 (U)
With all the Ride/Transform cards in this set, open centers are going to be quite commonplace, so be sure to grab a copy or two of this guy. Even if you don't end up with an open center he is still playable (he only loses 2000 power for his Move) and the lack of a gauge cost is great.
#4 Rescue Dragon, Transmission
Size 1, 3000/2/2000 (R)
[Call Cost] 1 gauge
When this card enters the field, you may pay 1 life. If you do, put up to one card with "Rescue Dragon" in its name from your drop zone to your hand.
This Dragon is pretty awesome, Not only does it have awesome art but it also has a pretty useful skill. Now his ability does require you to have a few other Rescue Dragons in the deck but there are quite a few in this set. Feel free to use his ability without a second thought. Now if only there was a really powerful Rescue Dragon to target with his skill.....
#3 Rescue Dragon, Immortal Spirit
Size 3, 8000/1/6000 (RR)
[Call Cost] 2 gauge
When this card attacks and destroys your opponent's monster, draw a card
Double Attack
Oh, there it is. This card is very powerful. Sure, 2 gauge is quite costly in this type of match, but his skill more than makes up for it. Both field control and card advantage are very important in booster drafts and this spirit delivers.
#2 Guin of Dark Fist
Size 1, 3000/2/2000 (RR)
If you have another <Darkhero> on your field, this card can attack your opponent even if there is a monster in your opponent's center (aka Shadow Dive)
When this card deals damage to your opponent, return this card to your hand.
Even without a Darkhero on the field this card is frightening, a sneak attacker that also allows you to attack with your weapon. Call another Darkhero and this card becomes an absolute beast, being able to Shadow Dive and ignore your opponent's center. This pretty much guarantees you 2 damage and an extra attack for your weapon.
#1 Grand Calibur, Zeldline
Size 3, 6000/3/6000 (R)
[Ride] 2 gauge
This card deserves to be run for his art alone. As a huge Digimon fan I can say that the Omnimon comparison is legit. I could rant all day about Digimon, but let's get back to the card itself. 6/3/6 vanilla is great. 6/3/6 item for 2 gauge is as OP as it gets. That 3 crit size zero will be completely useless when this guy is <rRde>. Ride this card and crush all your opponents.
Side note: If anyone gets the Ban flag I'll sell them my soul for it
All images were used obtained from the official Bushiroad website and used here solely for reference purposes. Future Card Buddyfight!, logos, and respective content belong to Bushiroad. Large images belong to the Buddyfight! Wikia.
I feel like while it's good to mention bomb RRs and such it's better to let people know what commons and uncommons stand out since the bulk of their picks will be those rarities.
ReplyDeleteI'll take that into consideration for next time!
Deletethe nice thing about this EB is the support that Brave Machines badly need. they get their first legit counter card (+5 defense) which makes hitting CardBurn almost impossible, along with brave base set spell that also helps card burn image allowing you to ramp gauge with every brave called, new great ride options and size zeros with abilities. Quartet5 gets their main boss, Diximie, only an R, which is arguably even better than card burn or ritter (except diximie can be destroyed T.T), superheroes also get a new spell "new Equipment" which gives +6 defense to your transformed hero (captain answer now 10 def, road blader 11) but no counteratk... Of Course the spotlight goes to DarkHeroes, who have so much card advantage its silly. another good all around card is the impact which only needs you to destroy 2 opponent monsters to cast it. the size zero with 3 crit may as well be staple in all hero world decks, it allows 4 attacks and it is also a brave machine. Hundred demons get good cards especially the so far best thunderminer, stranger dillemma who activates on spells cast by the opponent. theres so much good in this set I don't know if my wallet can survive the number of boxes i plan to buy.