So what you see here will be my take on how I envision Heroes working the best. The playstyle is moderately aggressive with a lot of control and stall options. You need to be careful about committing hand to field, since you often want to stall for tempo and the right moment to strike. By alternating between periods of stall and bursts of field clear and damage, while rocking ability negate along the way, you can weave in and out of the battle and make efficient and meaningful trades to bring you closer to victory. The winning image is a difficult but well-calculated and well-planned siege.
Entaku Kaigi - Heroes
Size 2
Size 1
Deck Deconstruction
Let's address the elephant in the room first. I know all of you are probably wondering why in the world I run 4 Zlatorog. Yes, I know he's not a Hero. Does that even matter? He's way too good in this deck. I mean, look. You have Assault Cara, who trades 2 gauge for a free kill. You have Galahad, who trades 3 gauge to salvage a negate. You have Breathen Gard, which trades 2 gauge for spell negate. And finally, Prydwen uses 2 gauge to basically give you a free Shield of Achilles. You can use gauge for so many different purposes in this deck, so why not ramp your gauge up like crazy? Zlatorog, with his ability, allows you to open up your entire game. He charges for no charge.
You might be worried that you won't get the link attack bonuses but come on, all 10 weapons in this deck have the Hero attribute. You can link attack with Prydwen to get it off if need be. There's virtually no risk in running Zlatorog, and he doesn't mess up any ratios whatsoever. He makes for a fantastic first-turn play as well. Not to mention he burns through your deck faster, allowing you to hit the 10 Heroes in drop threshold a lot faster.
Also, choose Zlatorog as your buddy. Not only does it completely hide the fact that you're playing Heroes (the jukes!), but you can also use Waweldrache if need be.
Your next best Size 2 is Valkyrie, Brilliant Brynhildr. Getting soul for only 1 gauge is really solid, but Move on top of that is almost unfair. This card is just as cost-effect as Drum and probably more playable in a deck that utilizes such strong weapon options. It also gives the deck a bit more early-game stall that the deck was sorely missing. You can fish for turns and resources, allowing you to have a better chance of getting Excalibur out.
After some goading by HunterSerge, I've decided to maindeck Oberon as a boss. Mainly because some draw-tests found me needing another stall target because you can only draw so many Brynhildrs in the early game. Seeing that all but 6 cards in this deck are Hero, getting 7 cards in the drop is not a hard requirement. And if you can start the game off with Zlatorog, the gauge isn't much of an issue either. You have several options for Oberon's placement: in the center if you start with him first-turn (don't have 7 in drop yet) or if you need to soak damage, or to the side after his ability is active to create pressure for your opponent. Oberon is a huge annoyance when he negates all effects, all but denying your opponent of any unique advantage they might have. Though you need to be wary of the deck you're facing, since beatdown decks can simply ignore Oberon if they have enough crit to end you.
Oberon synergizes with a lot of cards in the deck, but most notably with Heroic Spirit. You finally have a good target for the Counterattack spell.
Also, choose Zlatorog as your buddy. Not only does it completely hide the fact that you're playing Heroes (the jukes!), but you can also use Waweldrache if need be.
Your next best Size 2 is Valkyrie, Brilliant Brynhildr. Getting soul for only 1 gauge is really solid, but Move on top of that is almost unfair. This card is just as cost-effect as Drum and probably more playable in a deck that utilizes such strong weapon options. It also gives the deck a bit more early-game stall that the deck was sorely missing. You can fish for turns and resources, allowing you to have a better chance of getting Excalibur out.
After some goading by HunterSerge, I've decided to maindeck Oberon as a boss. Mainly because some draw-tests found me needing another stall target because you can only draw so many Brynhildrs in the early game. Seeing that all but 6 cards in this deck are Hero, getting 7 cards in the drop is not a hard requirement. And if you can start the game off with Zlatorog, the gauge isn't much of an issue either. You have several options for Oberon's placement: in the center if you start with him first-turn (don't have 7 in drop yet) or if you need to soak damage, or to the side after his ability is active to create pressure for your opponent. Oberon is a huge annoyance when he negates all effects, all but denying your opponent of any unique advantage they might have. Though you need to be wary of the deck you're facing, since beatdown decks can simply ignore Oberon if they have enough crit to end you.
Oberon synergizes with a lot of cards in the deck, but most notably with Heroic Spirit. You finally have a good target for the Counterattack spell.
Merlin usage in this deck is to mainly filter out cards you don't need for cards you do. For example, you can ditch extra Mabinogions and weapons for live-r cards like Holy Grail and Heroic Spirit. The existence of Mabinogion helps Merlin miss less often and simultaneously grants him another ditch option. Remember, ideally you want to be ditching (Alwidol, but she's not in the main deck) weapons first, then spells, and finally monsters.
Though you can afford to ditch monsters now that Oberon gives a tanking option and Caliburn Grief a reset button.

Gareth is quite powerful as well. Move is a huge bonus for any weapon-based deck, essentially netting you a +1 while allowing you the flexibility of having a center monster. Gareth handily punishes Magic and Katana World for having a lack of Penetrate and against heavy Penetrate decks, Gareth simply doesn't Move. He's great in all situations, an all-around pick that can be substituted for more targeted purposes later.

Excalibur went away because deckspace. If you want to run it, try a Fairy deck now, where it actually fits better.
Did your opponent just cast an Item destruction spell? Not to worry! Just Counter Equipment Change Prydwen and both your weapons are saved. How does that work? It's because a target has to be selected upon the payment of the cast cost. This isn't anything new - this is the case for all card games, a prime example being Yugioh. Since the target is declared before the Counter timing, you can Counter Equipment Change, resolve your item swap, and watch as your opponent's destruction spell fizzles into the void. Oh, and now since you have Prydwen, you can pay 2 gauge to, essentially, cast Shield of Achilles for free. This card is so good.
(This discussion is now mostly moot, but it's a talk about Prydwen gimmicks in general) I'll take some time now to discuss some advanced strategies with Prydwen. Let's say you have King Arthur on the left, Gawain on the right, and Durandal equipped. Your opponent has Brave, Drum in their center with 1 soul. The obvious course of action would be to link attack Arthur and Gawain for the 4 damage Penetrate followed up with Durandal, but this puts all your eggs in one basket. What if your opponent has a Divine Protection of Shalsana? Maybe the obvious move isn't the best move. So you resign yourself to link attacking Arthur with Durandal and using Gawain as a single attack. That's not a bad move and forces your opponent to decide between using Shalsana on only a 2 damage Penetrate or letting Drum eat the dust.
But what if I told you you could have your cake and eat it too? Why give up on 4 damage when you don't even have to? Link attack Arthur with Durandal as usual. Then, during the damage step's Play Timing, Counter Equipment Change to Prydwen. Prydwen comes in standing, and use Prydwen to link attack with Gawain, proccing Gawain's Penetrate as well. Now your opponent will be taking 4 damage, and if they cast Shalsana they'll still be taking 2 damage. You've objectively increased the damage output by 2 in your worst case scenario. What did you lose for doing this? Absolutely nothing. It's sick, I know.
Unfortunately, since Equipment Change can only activate once per turn (after that, you'll have to destroy Durandal and -1 if you Counter equip over it), you can't abuse this way of spreading out link attack bonuses ad infinitum. But you shouldn't have to anyways, and this tactic is only meant for hitting that next level of play and outmaneuvering your opponent ever so slightly. To be honest, this is just imitating what Tetsuya already gives Adventurers the ability to do, but the Durandal-Prydwen combination is more foolproof. There's no way your opponent can actually stop it, given that Durandal cannot be destroyed and even if Prydwen gets hit it'll have done its job by then.
Your spells are pretty straightforward. 4 Holy Grail 4 Heroic Spirit are musts, giving Merlin more targets and also strengthening your control over the game. Symbel Gard draws (you definitely need 4) and Breathen Gard guarantees finishes as well as forces your opponent to play your game by stopping their key spells. Breathen Gard is a bit iffy sometimes, though, especially with Caliburn Grief costing the same and doing oftentimes more, so it's a very likely card to side out if you're having trouble adding stuff in.
Your new spell of choice is Mabinogion, a Set spell that allows you to draw every time you link attack with Hero cards. Once per turn, of course, but it really gives the deck back a lot of advantage that it was hemorrhaging before. Prydwen strats also work really well with Mabinogion, allowing you to get essentially a link attack without really linking, kinda. You might think devoting a link attack per turn is a waste, but oftentimes you get your resources back and extra card draw is so important for this deck.
Finally, we're now running Impacts for massive control. King's Wave, Caliburn Grief is a counter board wipe for only 2 gauge. The downside is that it kills your own field and your own Set spells too (nooo Mabinogion) but it's definitely worth it in the long run. There's a cheeky gimmick with Caliburn Grief, Gleipnir, and Oberon that you can try out, but I feel like it's devoting too many cards to a single combo that isn't that impactful.
Your new spell of choice is Mabinogion, a Set spell that allows you to draw every time you link attack with Hero cards. Once per turn, of course, but it really gives the deck back a lot of advantage that it was hemorrhaging before. Prydwen strats also work really well with Mabinogion, allowing you to get essentially a link attack without really linking, kinda. You might think devoting a link attack per turn is a waste, but oftentimes you get your resources back and extra card draw is so important for this deck.
Finally, we're now running Impacts for massive control. King's Wave, Caliburn Grief is a counter board wipe for only 2 gauge. The downside is that it kills your own field and your own Set spells too (nooo Mabinogion) but it's definitely worth it in the long run. There's a cheeky gimmick with Caliburn Grief, Gleipnir, and Oberon that you can try out, but I feel like it's devoting too many cards to a single combo that isn't that impactful.
Sideboard Ideas
You can also run Siegfied for massive anti-Dragon, which is very potent in the right matchup. Especially since Buddyfight is always best-of-three, you can tank up a game with the standard deck and switch over to Dragon massacre (-4 Dainoe Shee, -2 Gugnir) and utterly destroy their souls.
All-Knowing Alwidol is a great card with lots of synergy with Merlin. Why isn't it maindecked? Because it's a two-card combo that doesn't always show up, and oftentimes it's difficult to even play it (if Oberon is on the field). The worst part is that Alwidol is dead in hand without Merlin, and Merlin will die on field if he's called before Alwidol gets to hand. You end up sitting on dead cards way too often just to attempt to be efficient, which screws the deck up a lot. A good side choice, though, especially in matchups where you need to spam Caliburn Grief a lot more (and Mabinogion becomes a difficult choice).
Sample Sideboard:
All-Knowing Alwidol is a great card with lots of synergy with Merlin. Why isn't it maindecked? Because it's a two-card combo that doesn't always show up, and oftentimes it's difficult to even play it (if Oberon is on the field). The worst part is that Alwidol is dead in hand without Merlin, and Merlin will die on field if he's called before Alwidol gets to hand. You end up sitting on dead cards way too often just to attempt to be efficient, which screws the deck up a lot. A good side choice, though, especially in matchups where you need to spam Caliburn Grief a lot more (and Mabinogion becomes a difficult choice).
Sample Sideboard:
- 4 Dragon Vanquishing Emperor, Beowulf
- 2 Dragon Vanquishing Sword, Balmung
- 2 Dragon Extermination Knight, Siegfried
- 2 Valkyrie, All-Knowing Alwidol
Other Options
I really like Valkyrie, Assault Cara - I'd honestly run some if we didn't already have a weighted Size 2 lineup. Her spot removal is actually quite rare for Legend World and very precious, allowing you to bypass a lot of counterplay and forcing even trades in your favor. Unlike Rising Flare Dragon, she can target Size 3's as well which makes her a perfect answer to Danger World's big bosses. And she's a Hero.Another option for your Size 2 is the PR Salvation Eir. She's a good choice because for Heroes, your monsters are more quality than your opponent's monsters - most of the time. Especially your Size 1's. Salvation Eir converts all that Zlatarog gauge into more cards, link attack bonuses, and Movers. Not to mention that she has some lovely stats herself, both offensively and defensively. We're ditching her because Brynhildr is just better in this metagame.
Oswira Gard is a good idea with 8 Move targets, so you might want to try experimenting it replacing Symbel Gard and running more Caliburn Griefs for the updated synergy.
Avoid Running
Berserk Gard, since Heroic Spirit is just better (the "synergy" with the other Gards is not worth it). Shield of Achilles, since you already have Prydwen.
Please don't make Durandal your buddy. I don't care if you're using my list or not, just don't do it. Yes, I know it's cool. Yes, I know it's swag. Resist the temptation. Deal with the ugly faces.
Once the deck gets going though, it has a very favorable matchup against most, if not all worlds. Dragon and DDW are mostly toast. Ancient might take one game before siding, but after Beowulf hits, it's game over. Magic is always the wildcard. Against Dungeon, it's basically a slugfest until one side gives way. The Danger matchup is similar, but Breathen Gard is more flexible and your engines are better. Your real problem is Katana World. They have the tools to shut down your plays before they even hit the field and, depending on the build, can slowly burn Heroes down.
Final Words
This deck plays very powerfully. Similar to Adventurers but can guarantee a finish much, much earlier. God forbid Legend World gets a Penetrate weapon, that would be the end. IT HAPPENED LOL. If you already have a Heroes deck, try my build and see how it differs. Pretty sure you'll fall in love with Zlatorog before long.
Like my other decklists, I'll need a name for this. For one week after this is posted, I'll be accepting names in the comments section below - please be as creative and awesome as you can! I'll choose my favorite at the end of the week (along with some honorable mentions) and the deck will be dubbed in your honor. Looking forward to it!
Update: The names turned out great, and I loved all the different themes that popped up: Arthurian, samurai, even Sonic? But in the end, I'm just an anime lover at heart. And what better way to name a Saber-inspired deck than to dub it the title of the in-fantasy reincarnation of the original Round Table of Elder Tale?
Winner of the deck-naming challenge: Dubblestep @ Entaku Kaigi
- updated to BT05, CP01, EB02, TD07, PP01 -
Update: The names turned out great, and I loved all the different themes that popped up: Arthurian, samurai, even Sonic? But in the end, I'm just an anime lover at heart. And what better way to name a Saber-inspired deck than to dub it the title of the in-fantasy reincarnation of the original Round Table of Elder Tale?
Winner of the deck-naming challenge: Dubblestep @ Entaku Kaigi
- updated to BT05, CP01, EB02, TD07, PP01 -
All images used obtained from the official Bushiroad website and used here solely for reference purposes. Future Card Buddyfight!, logos, and respective content belong to Bushiroad. Large images belong to the Buddyfight! Wikia.
Great deck, Blaise. Time to figure out how to deal with it. =_=
ReplyDeleteANYWAYS, deck name. How about "Knight of the Wind"? Because I'm a Sonic nerd, and since Sylph is present in the deck, Knights of the Round Table stuffz, and it kinda sorta fits Equipment Change? With one item vanishing for another?
Entaku Kaigi - if you like Log Horizon
ReplyDeleteMordred's Bane - Pls get this. Pls.
Also if a certain PKM10k sends the second one. I came up with it first.
DeleteVery, very interesting decklist. It might cost me around $40 to give this decklist a try, but I'm all for it to make my deck stronger.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I offer the names "Domain of the King" and "Realm of Legends" for this decklist, I hope one of the two appeals to you.
I thought of a new name for the deck. It could be hard to consider a "proper" name, I suppose, but I offer the name "My Soul and Blade as One". I took it from the samurai belief that his soul was contained in his sword. Granted that samurai weren't exactly knights nor heroes, but given the philosophy of this deck I thought that it could still be appropriate.
DeleteIn your matchups, you didn't mention danger world. Duel DRAGONS is obvious, but what's your thoughts on armorknights?
ReplyDeleteUpdated. Duel Dragons get rekt so hard, it's not even funny. Demongodol destroys weapons? Ha.
DeleteArmorknights is a bit more annoying, but they basically can't call any of their Size 3 bosses to center so that should help a lot for the Breathen Gard KOs.
What do you think about maining salvation eir or is cara better??
ReplyDeleteHow would you update the deck regarding the existence of Caliburn Grief?
ReplyDeletePlanning on updating this list? I'm very interested in your thoughts on the deck's ability to flex in new cards like oberon into its game plan.
ReplyDeleteHow about adding Gungnir in?
DeleteI'm going to be frank right now Blaise: The updated list is garbage. I say this from a perspective of someone with a lot of experience with post-H-BT02 Heroes.
ReplyDeleteOberon is far too good to pass up. You compare him to Excalibur, but the two serve completely different purposes. In addition, Oberon actually gets up live much quicker than you'd expect, and playing Excalibur requires you to throw caution to the wind by discarding Grail. Oberon can also be played without that requirement, as a Size 3 Double Attacker who still has standard stats for his 2 gauge cost. That is why Oberon is so ridiculously good.
Arthur is no longer good. His stats are quite frankly abysmal, his gauge accel can barely be considered that unless he survives a turn, and the Penetrate is far better provided by Gugnir.
I love Galahad, but he ends up making the deck too Size 1 heavy, when Merlin, Gareth, and Daoine Shee are simply superior.
Skipping ahead a bit, Caliburn is a must at 3+. This card puts in a ridiculous amount of work, and the fact that Caliburn and Oberon are playable in the same deck is why Legend Heroes are arguably the best deck of the H-BT02 format.
For this reason, Mabinogion just isn't worth it. When a card clashes so directly with one of the centerpiece power plays of the deck, its just not worth it. Especially when none of the link attack Heroes are really good.
Also, Alwidol far outclasses Sylph as a Size 0. It costs no gauge, has far better field clearing ability, and the plusses it creates with Merlin are well worth. I've never really found myself missing the item retrieving.
Finally, I would highly recommend adding 2-3 Balmung to buff the Weapon line-up. Its just a gud kerd anyways.
Oh wait, I completely forgot about Alwidol...
I dunno, I was trying to make this more of a midrange beatdown deck and Oberon was clashing with what I wanted the deck to do. I don't deny that it's a good card but it's still hard to get around the...
You know what, I'll stop making excuses. Let me do some trials with an Oberon variant and see how it goes.
DeleteOberon is alright. Caliburn Wave is pretty good. Mabinogion is actually insane. It single-handedly fixes all your advantage issues without relying on comboes like Merlin-Alwidol, which was hard to draw into.
More interestingly, I found that getting lots of hand really speeds the deck up a lot, and that not having any hand basically killed the deck. It's worthwhile to note that committing to a field is generally a bad idea since it's so hard to manage, and you can always Caliburn Grief your minuses away.
It may sound weird, but I think you need to run both Caliburn Grief and Mabinogion, even if they don't synergize. The deck hurts too much without hand, and Mabinogion is a sure-fire way to get cards that the deck never had before.
"Beowulf is definitely a must in the sideboard. The funniest thing with Beowulf and Balmung is that, since their abilities activate before the attack hits, you actually perform a Double Attack with the first hit being a guaranteed kill. That's pretty funny. Against any Dragon-based deck (All Dragon World, Ancient World, and DDW, Wild Dragons, etc), Beowulf and Balmung wreck face."
ReplyDeleteThere are no replays in buddyfight, this is not yugioh and so no double attack
When you attack a dragon attribute monster with the dragon hate cards, the ability activates first. The act of declaring an attack against a dragon destroys it, then the actual attack goes through after. In that sense it's as if you attacked the monster twice.
DeleteI can try and get 3 more Zlatorogs, but Merlin is just WAY too expensive right now. :/