Saturday, June 13, 2015

Let Me Catch My Breath... [Status Update]

Victorique rolling
Don't wanna write...don't wanna work...don't wanna read...don't wanna learn...don't wan-

Oh. Hello. Sorry.

L-let me talk about what I'll be doing next...

As you can see, I've all but caught up with H-BT01 and I'm pretty pleased with myself. I was churning out an article a day at a pretty ridiculous pace after working 8 hours. As a result, there's been quite a few more mistakes than usual since I didn't have as much time to edit and revise, so I'm sorry about all of that. Thanks for bearing with me through this mad rush to get back on track.

H-EB01 Miracle Impack just came out yesterday, so this following week will be devoted to stuff from the EB. Since no new articles will be written (probably) and they'll all be updates, I'll post a wrap-up post with all the relevant links and stuff by the end of the week. TD updates and other quality-of-life changes will be happening over the coming week, and will be duly noted as well. Should be fun.

As for future plans, now that every world and flag is represented sans Generic, I can finally start creating that "What World are You?" questionnaire that hopefully either confirms or affirms what kind of flag and attribute you are most suited to playing, based on what you answer to a series of questions. I've already found the relevant scripts for it so it should be pretty simple once I math out the weight system.

As far as upcoming deck articles go, my goal is to create a basic decklist for every world, so look forward to one or two in the coming weeks. Maybe some other math/strategy stuff too, depending on how it goes.

On a final note, I've decided to open a Patreon account! I'm not expecting people to donate, but it would be greatly appreciated as a sign of support. The blog will still be very active and it won't be like "Oh, I don't have anybody supporting me so I won't write" but I can't lie, having patrons really incentivises writing more on my part. So don't feel pressured or burdened to support me with money, I appreciate the views and feedback just as much!
Support Lili
Thanks for supporting me!
Thanks for all the support; you guys were awesome, backing me up even though I was months behind and helping me fix all my issues as I was getting back on track. Omega good job!

All images were used obtained from the official Bushiroad website and used here solely for reference purposes. Future Card Buddyfight!, logos, and respective content belong to Bushiroad. Large images belong to the Buddyfight! Wikia.


  1. Of course we support you! Not a lot of well-written Buddyfight literature out there. And I'll be referring to your site often in a future local metagame blog I'll be writing for the deeper World profiles and maths.

    Keep it up, and I hope you find the energy for it! July, August, September will all be very busy months for Buddyfight :D

  2. Best. Buddyfight. Blog. Ever.

    You and Hunter Serge are like, the biggest reference in this game right now. You have the chance to become the V-Mundi of this game, without being an arsehole.

    1. V-Mundi isn't exactly the "arsehole" you know anymore. Join the forums if you want to see for yourself how things are right now.

    2. Are they still doing the "crossrides don't exist because they screw up muh math"?

      Because if they do, I'm keeping my statement.

    3. Personally, I don't like V-Mundi that much because... Black background hurt my eyes, too long, and too much math and little entertainment to keep me at the blog :P

    4. I personally highly value Alice's articles regarding stuff like Nash Equilibrium and Dominant/Subdominant strategies, those are pure gold and I highly recommend everybody to read those stuff.

      On the other hand, Buddyfight is a completely different beast from Vanguard where stuff like "crossride is irrelevant" can be mathematically proven. Buddyfight is a lot more flexible in terms of numbers and math, so it's harder to be definitive about stuff like what card/strategy is better.

      Since V-mundi hasn't updated since BT-12, almost all the Vanguard-based articles save the "why draw triggers (still) suck" are completely irrelevant now. But I still recommend the stuff on strategy, testing, and game theory.

    5. Victor, crossrides are hardly relevant anymore, because the metagame has shifted greatly. Check things out for yourself before insulting the community for apparently no reason.

    6. Wait, that was an insult? I don't see how :P

    7. That comment wasn't directed at Victor, not you.

    8. Yeah... I don't really see if Victor's insulting anyone or not...

    9. It has eventually updated like...2 articles for BT15...? But we still use the forums for gossip and other stuff.

    10. Tachikaze Master, Victor's second comment leads back to his first, which implies that V-Mundi is an "arsehole".

  3. I love your blog, and it's my favorite source for cards that should and shouldn't go in decks. I'm especially excited, however, for the quiz, as I've never been able to tell which build fits my play style.

  4. I was wondering how you would respond to all the great changes in the game recently, I really really appreciate the new cards and concepts that Bushi has made. still a lot of complaints here and there but overall, the game really has evolved.
